The Ship Registry is a listing by state/provence/country (squadron) of basset rescue organizations (mission) and the primary city in which they are located (home port). It is a B.O.N.E. (Basset Organization Naval Equipment) list of ships in the Pacific Basset Feet.
The commodore is of each ship is the Slave or Hound responsible for the actions of the squadron, and the flag ship can be any kind desired -- land sea, sea, air, or support. Each commodore selects the type of flag ship desired. The name of the ship can be the name of the registry, one selected at random, or one suggested by the hounds and slaves. Email Commander-in-Chief Bo for suggestions or recommendations if needed, and submit the name to CNC Bo.
The launch date is the date that the ship is launched; that could be the date of the email, the date the organization began, or predated to whatever date that the commodore would like.
A ship's complement is the number of hounds and slaves that can be accommodated on board safely. To figure out how many there are in the ship's complement, estimate the total hounds and slaves that are supported by your efforts. The number can range from 0-5,000. For example, aircraft carriers have up to 4,000 or so; ice breakers have about 16, river patrol boats 2-4, helicopters 1-30.